What Happens When You Run Rails dev:cache Command? You can enable caching in development mode by running the `rails dev:cache` command in terminal. Ever wondered what that command does, and how exactly does it tell Rails to start caching stuff in your application? Let's take a peek behind the curtain to see exactly what's going on.
How to Access a Ruby Hash with both String and Symbol Keys Sometimes, you receive a Hash key as a method parameter or via user input, and you want to make the Hash understand that key as-is, without worrying if the key is a string or a symbol. ActiveSupport's `HashWithIndifferentAccess` class lets you accomplish this in a convenient way.
How to Debug and Step-Through Rails Codebase Do you want to read the Rails source code for a deeper understanding of the framework, but feel intimidated by the sheer size of the codebase, or don't know where to start? Start with a specific feature, insert a breakpoint, and step through the method line-by-line. This article shows how.
The Complete Guide to Working With Cookies in Rails This post covers almost everything you need to know about HTTP cookies in the context of Rails. We'll explore what a cookie is, why we need it, how to set & get a cookie, how to restrict cookies to a particular domain/path, prevent JavaScript access, how to sign & encrypt cookies, and much more.
Rails Middleware: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know In this post, we'll learn almost everything about Rails middleware: what it is, why we need it, how it works, and why it's so important. We'll also learn how to create and test custom middleware in a Rails app. Finally, we'll extract logging functionality in its own middleware in a simple web app. This article is for Members only
Let's Read the Turbo Source: What Happens When You Click a Link? Reading the source code is one of the best ways to learn how a feature, framework, or a program works. In this post, we'll explore the source code of Hotwire's Turbo library to understand exactly what happens when you click a link. I hope you'll appreciate Turbo much more after this deep dive.
Let's Implement the Map Method from First Principles Those new to functional programming often wonder when to use higher-order functions (or blocks/procs/lambdas in Ruby). I did, too. In this post, we'll implement the map method from scratch, in turn gaining an intuitive understanding of higher-order functions and when to use them.
Rails Database Migrations Cheatsheet The database schema evolves continuously. Rails migrations is a powerful and flexible way to update the schema without dropping and re-creating the database. However, all this power and flexibility can be overwhelming. Here's a handy cheatsheet for most common migration operations.
Practical Stimulus: Building a Counter Component In this article, we will build a counter component using the Stimulus JavaScript library. This simple example will demonstrate a bunch of useful features of Stimulus such as managing state, handling events, and targeting DOM elements.
Ruby's Hash is a Swiss-Army Knife A Hash is a built-in data structure in Ruby that maps values to keys and has a constant-time O(1) lookup. This article shows the capabilities of this simple, but equally powerful tool. We’ll start with the basics but also cover some obscure but equally useful features of hash.
Abbrev: A Hidden Ruby Gem The Abbrev module in the Ruby standard library helps you find out all the possible and unique abbreviations for one or more strings. In this post, we'll learn how it works along with a practical example. We'll also take a peek behind the scenes to see how it's implemented.
Using Zeitwerk Outside Rails Did you know you can use Zeitwerk outside Rails? This article shows how to use the Zeitwerk gem to autoload classes and modules in a Ruby app that's not using Rails. We'll also learn how Rails configures Zeitwerk internally and introduce the concept of models in our no-rails Ruby web application.